Welcome to my blog, home to book, film and music reviews, as well as other stuff related to my life.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Random Mixture Story
More Mocks... :(
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Naomi's mum is great. Neither of us had brought maths books, but it was starting to look like we were going to be there for nearly all of maths, so we 'got lost' (I was at any rate, they weren't) and we found a little cafe and had hot chocolate, then returned in time for RE. LOL. My parents would never do that.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Writing a story as a blog is... Well, interesting
Friday, 25 April 2008
Stolen Faith
Anyway, I asked my English teacher today which story I should use, because I had eight different possible story ideas, and I know that she didn't particularly like the last one I did, because too many people died. Don't think she'd like Pterodactyl then, because pretty much everyone dies... Still, that's beside the point. Anyway, she thought that blogging sounded quite interesting, so I'm writing a story told through a blog, and I'm not entirely sure what to write, but I'll work it out, don't worry. Can't be too hard.
I like English, especially writing stories, and I'm really chuffed that I did so well on my Paper 1 section A, when I did absolutely rubbish last time. Three ten out of tens and one eight out of ten on the section A, and I don't think I've ever got more than a nine on any section A in either paper before. That probably makes no sense whatsoever to you, but oh well, it does to me, and to anyone else who's doing GCSE English.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Strike Day
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Minor Rant...
I was going to post this yesterday, but I wound up not doing. I'll say it now though.
I'm a little annoyed at the way Hazel's been treating me, like I'm an answer book. She just takes my answers in Biology, so that she can copy them, and she doesn't even ask. I don't mind explaining them, and when I do just hand over the answers, it's more because I just can't be bothered explaining it because it all seems so simple and I'm tired. We were talking about it in History, and Liv was a little annoyed at me as well as Hazel, because I let her do it. She said I should say no, but the trouble is I don't want to endanger any good friendships just before leaving. I know I'll regret it if I fall out with Hazel, with anyone I'm currently friends with, but still. We've kind of been sharing answers a little in Biology tests too. They're not important or anything, and it started as a kind of one off because Hazel had been busy the night before, and then it got so it happened more frequently, but I've been doing my best not to rely on them to give me the answers. So yesterday I decided right, we've had the whole of the Easter holiday type thing to revise, there's no excuse, so I refused to look up at all. I got nineteen out of twenty-one, which I was quite proud with considering I only lost the marks because it should've been [I]adult[/I] bone marrow, not just bone marrow which I put, and meiosis not as I spelt it mieosis. Well, the i before e rule seemed to apply, but I guess it just doesn't. Neither Hazel nor Natalie did very well, but then Hazel decided to put her mark up a bit, and that did annoy me. I think Natalie only did it because Hazel did. She was like 'It's just one or two marks, just so he says it's ok and not bad', but I would never do that. It's one thing to share answers and another all together to change the mark you got. Yes, it's sometimes meant that I've been laughed at when I've not done so well, because I'm [I]supposed[/I] to do well, model student and all that, but everyone has an off day, but I do always own up to the fact that I've done badly, and I'm careful that I don't rely too much on them. Anyway, that's what annoyed me. So I'll stop now before this turns into a major rant rather than a minor one like the title says. Just one more thing. I didn't decide not to 'share answers' for purely selfish reasons, I have a feeling that our teacher knew there was something going on, but perhaps didn't want to say anything, so I wasn't going to destroy a fairly decent pupil-teacher relationship in what's probably going to be our last specification test. I mean, he's been pretty decent about answering all my random questions, he could've refused and said that they weren't important, but he always listened.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Textiles Homework
Monday, 21 April 2008
Back to school
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Insane Characters, as in, very insane
I've done it!
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Rough Justice
I probably shouldn't have read it all last night though. I was reading it till ten, then kind of got a bit told off, not properly just a sort of 'night night, hint hint' type thing so I stopped. But I really couldn't sleep, so I read a bit more at half past ten, then heard people walking around so stopped quick so I wouldn't get done, and then at quarter past eleven I was still completely wide awake, so I read it right the way through to the end, because I just had to know if I was right about who the Broker was. So I stopped reading again at ten to one this morning, and then it took me ages to fall asleep, because it's maybe not the best of books to read when you're trying to sleep, but still...
New Clarinet, yay!!
Friday, 18 April 2008
Waiting for paint to dry
Ok, now I'm confused.
Ooh, I have a hundred posts
Random ramble
Thursday, 17 April 2008
There was a neat bookshop in Carnforth, however you're supposed to spell that, I don't know, and they had Biggles books, so I got Biggles in Borneo. James went swimming near enough every single day. I didn't go swimming once. I don't like it, don't like wearing a swimming costume, don't like the smell in my hair, don't like swallowing the water and then feeling ill.
We went to Kendel, and I finally got a new pair of trainers that actually fit, because I didn't have any that properly fitted, one pair was too small, one pair considerably too big. Mum did a lot of staying in the lodge. Sunday James and Dad came back home, so Dad could take the trailer to church and James could go to his mate's party, and Mum and I played about nine games of Scrabble, most of which I won. Went to Lancaster too, just me and Dad. I usually get on quite well with him. James doesn't always. We came back early, on Tuesday, for some reason. Not really sure why. We ate in Truck Haven twice, the food was really good. Oh, we went to Grange-Over-Sands to feed ducks, and I got a fox beanie baby and Dad nearly had a mental breakdown, but it's really cute. He's called Sly, and he's sat on my desk next to me, smiling at me. The ducks at Grange are really cool, there're all different sites.
There were some funny birds that lived round the lodge. They're called Oystercatchers (think that was it), and they have these huge long yellow beaks, but otherwise they look a bit like seagulls or magpies.
Nearly caught up to my target.
Never, ever trust random Russian dudes in stories
In my nano, I allowed a random Russian dude to turn up and speak for a bit. He told me about a Russian plot to blow up Berlin, and talked me through it. He then nuked London.
In Pterodactyl, a random Russian turned up and was killed along with one of the minor characters, mainly because Ibotson wanted to kill someone (and I'm not saying which Ibotson, hahaha, that's my secret still).
Then a missile turned out to be flying at Pterodactyl (the aircraft part). It had been launched from Russia. Why? Russia is still a part of the UN, and Pterodactyl is a UN craft.
And now Hainshaw, the openly nasty captain, turns out to be Russian. And he massacred the entire crew of the right boat before sinking it and escaping. I think there must be two plots for world domination going on.
Dream from before
The Lodge
Lost in the Lake District
Anyway, I was Violet from the Incredibles, and there was this battle, and I was having to use my force fields and stuff. It was really awesome. And then I lost my hand somehow, and then I was Max from Maximum Ride instead, and there was the flock around me, and it was just a really fun dream. Well, I was still kind of Violet, because I could still do force fields and stuff, but I was kind of Max too because I had wings. It was good fun. I kind of want to write a superhero story now.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Going away!
French unh...
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Two dreams
First one was that my computer crashed in a wierd manner and it really scared me. Must remember to back everything up soon.
Second was a mixture of Pterodactyl and Sky Dancer. If I just write that, it should be enough to jog my memory at a later date when I can write more.
Biiiig Book
Museum of Lancashire
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Good morning
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Linking stories
A Crash Course In Parachuting
A Crash Course In X
A Crash Course In Dying (Texas splits off from USA)
(All computers crash)
(First GM people created)
Sky Dancer
Dancing Flame (GM people released into general population)
Flame Cloud
One For Sorrow
Two For Joy
Three For A Girl
Four For A Boy
Five For Silver
Six For Gold
Seven For A Secret
Never To Be Told.
Trouble is, only Sky Dancer and One For Sorrow are actually finished. Pterodactyl is the one I'm working on right now, and it's not going so bad. The Crash Course trilogy is on hold right now. I want to write them, but I'm busy with my other projects. Then of course there's my angel series. But let's not go into that right now, because book 6 really isn't going well. I can start it, and then it peters out and dies. Never mind.
Hello. Biked into Preston
Coming home was good though. It takes about half an hour to walk it, and I made it in under ten minutes, and didn't do that much peddling. Went from the top of the hill, over the bridge and through the traffic lights and halfway on to the Yew Tree without peddling. Twas good. Tired now though, which is probably a combination of getting up at ten past six for no apparent reason and also all the cycling...
Pizza and 27 Dresses
The film was really sweet, and it nearly made me cry it was that cute. I didn't think I really liked romances/chick flicks, but it was good. Liv and Naomi reckoned it lacked something, a little je ne sais crois (think that's how it's spelt...), but we all enjoyed it.
Pizza Hut afterwards took ages, but we were all chatting and laughing, so it wasn't too bad I guess. Weird thing was, Zobia turned up just as we were finishing to pick up a takeaway with her Uncle. We were a little confused to say the least. I kind of said Hi, then went back to the others, then while she was waiting and we were all just chatting, Naomi went over to talk to her, and when she came back she told me that Zobia had specifically told me to have a good holiday, not any of the others. I wondered if it was because I'm the only one who's actually going away somewhere for fun (Lydia's been lumped off to relatives to study though), but that still doesn't really make sense. Never mind.
Oops, I've just realised that I need to write another death in. Sakura (Japanese terrorist) gives this Chinese cook some poison discretely, and I need to write about her dying. Never mind, that should be quite a fun scene too, but at the moment, I'm working on the story chronologically again.
Insane Characters
Friday, 4 April 2008
Frustrated, Again.
I’m so annoyed that Zobia hasn’t bothered to bring my tent back. She’s got half of it, and she’s had it for two weeks, since the D of E expedition. It’s really annoying, because I’m going into Blackburn tonight, and if I had the tent I’d text my dad and get him to come and pick it up, and he could take my schoolbag at the same time, but she hasn’t brought it, and it’s Spring Break now, so I won’t have my tent over Spring Break, and I’d been wanting to do a bit of sleeping in the garden, which I now can’t do for obvious reasons. Argh! She said ‘oh, I’ll call my dad and get him to bring it,’ so I said is that actually going to happen, I need a guarantee that’s actually going to happen, because I’m not having my dad make a wasted journey from Preston when she can’t be bothered to get her act together. She’s saying it’s because she’s at her other house, but she hasn’t been at her other house for two weeks, it’s just a recent thing, so if she’d bothered to bring it in when I first asked her, when she said she’d bring it in, cos I said should I wait a minute after the D of E expedition and get it out her bag and she said no, she’d bring it on Tuesday (we had the long weekend for Easter, so our first day back after the expedition was Tuesday), but it’s just not happened, and it’s really, really annoying. She couldn’t give me any guarantee that her dad was actually going to bring it.
Plus she owes Naomi £15, and me £2, and she’s not making any effort to pay up. I mean, I’m really careful about stuff like that. If I borrow something, I bring it back when I say I will, regardless. I’ve even had my brother bring in pieces of work for teachers if I’m off school ill. But she hasn’t done any work in maths for ages, never turns up for form, and is just generally being an idiot. Need that banging head against the wall smiley now.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
It was way better than I expected. The guy who came in to do a talk called Stand Up Tall seemed kind of boring when he was introducing it, but he was actually really, really good. He was a great speaker, and he'd been an actor in the past, so he was doing different accents and talking about some of what he'd done as well as teaching us about working on different levels, and saying that exams aren't the be all and end all of life. In fact, when someone first meets you, 60% of what they go off is body language, 30% is the tone of your voice, and only 10% is charisma. He was also saying that there are no 'bad' emotions, but that you should try and be aware of your emotional state.
He explained it all using the Elizabethan analogy:
We're made up from four things:
Earth, which is your physical body, body language, that sort of thing;
Water, which is your emotions;
Air, which is what you know, which makes up about 90% of what you learn at school;
Fire, which is your vision, what you aspire to be.
It was really interesting.
The next thing we did was coursework clinic, but I'd finished all my coursework, so I had ten minutes on a computer, but when there were people without it seemed tight to take one up for no reason, so I came off and did loads of writing by hand. 'Twas good.
Then I had the PE Games thing, and that was loads of fun. We played two variants of mat rounders, one where you kicked the ball, and then one using a tennis ball and racket.
The last session was really boring though. I'm really glad nobody told me when it actually started (it was this special thing for only a few people), because 1 hour was more than enough. I feel sorry for those who had to sit through the whole thing. The speaker was really boring, and you could tell it wasn't really his passion, like it had been with the other guy. Plus we'd heard everything before, and didn't need to hear it again. I mean, why take the high achievers out, when it's the high achievers who are actually going to revise and do know how to do it because we've been told about a million times. Still, overall it was good fun.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Short Stories
Saw my English teacher on Tuesday, to hand in my descriptive piece. She said she'd read my short story (we were doing a practise on Paper 1), and that it was 'interesting'. Said she could tell I'd been reading Alaistar MacLean's books, but that it was good. Just 'interesting'.