Thursday 27 December 2007


Just been to the sales in Preston. Kind of crazy in there, despite the fact that it's raining. Thought we were going to Liverpool until my dad was like 'You don't need to take your iPod into Preston'. Turns out that for some reason the Liverpool trip was cancelled in favour of Preston. Why, I ask you? Oh well. It wasn't too bad. Spent some of my Smiths vouchers. Why does nowhere have anything on Japanese Mythology? I had to get a book on mythology in general instead. The library doesn't have anything on their system apart from one book published in 1969, and it's miles away in a reference library. Humph.
In case you're wondering why I need to know about Japanese Mythology, it's because I'm writing a story based on the legend of Tokoyo, a girl who left to find her father who'd been exiled and wound up saving all of Japan. I want to mix in some other myths too, which could be interesting as I don't really know anything apart from what's on Wikipedia.
I'm also working on a story about angels at the moment, book six in the series.

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