Saturday 29 March 2008

My dream...

Not an actual dream dream as in a sleeping dream, but a kind of far-fetched goal dream. I shall explain.

I want to become an author, and become kind of famous, or at least, well read. Then, I'll use the money to buy land in Africa, and set up a community for people to live and work together, like a monastery, but more of an everyday kind of thing. In this place, people won't use money or trade, everyone will just share. People will do what needs doing, and help each other to do it. They'll make crafts, and everyone will do the job that they're best at and that they most enjoy doing. We'll sell the crafts abroad, and the money will be used to help keep the community running.
Maybe it's a kind of weird dream, but it's just something that's been with me for a long time. It'd be run kind of how I've set up heaven as being in my angel books, and it'd be amazing. There would be very few disputes, because everyone'll share what they have so there's no material possessions to argue over, but there would be a kind of council to govern it, with the people on the council elected. I guess it's kind of like a communist/socialist thing, but that's how I think the whole world should be. It's a shame peoples' greed gets in the way.

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