Saturday 29 March 2008

Story update

Done loads of writing this month (part of the reason I've not been posting here). It's the most I've done in a month this year, and the month isn't quite finished yet, so I might manage to equal my nanowrimo wordcount, though I doubt it. I'm working on Yarev's story at the moment. Well, that's the provisional title anyway, but it's not really very accurate, because I'm not even convinced he's the main character. Don't think there is one main character. I've stolen some stuff from real life (like Hazel and Adam), but everything apart from them is completely made up. It's going pretty well I think. The right people are dying, because it's kind of a murder mystery thriller type thing, something along the lines of Alaistar MacLean crossed with sci-fi. It's good fun to write at any rate. Wrote quite a bit in physics yesterday, on paper, which I then had to type up, but it's good to write it by hand first, it makes the words flow better, plus it means you get a kind of second draft when you type it up. I did finish my physics work first though, just so you know. I wasn't just randomly sitting in physics for an hour and a half (or something like that, maybe an hour and a quarter, I didn't time it, but certainly over an hour) writing while the teacher was talking. My teacher wasn't here, so I finished the work really, really fast, and then because we had to sit in silence I figured it was a good chance to do some work on my story.

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