Sunday 31 October 2010

Nanowrimo 2010

Well, in just under four hours, the annual event of literary mayhem begins.  National Novel Writing Month 2010 looks set to be the largest so far, and it's not too late to start now.  Who needs a plan anyway?  I still haven't decided which of the two ideas I have buzzing around pestering me to write.  In fact, I haven't finished writing the story that I really ought to get finished before November begins yet...

So what, I hear you ask (or at least, I hypothetically pretend that you ask), is National Novel Writing Month?  Well, it's basically a challenge to write 50,000 words on a new novel in the month of November.  That works out at 1667 words per day, which is easily doable, trust me on that one.  I've managed it three years running, and I hope to make this a fourth consecutive 'win' (all finishers who verify their wordcount before midnight, local time, on November 30th, are winners).  The site is currently very slow, but that's because novellers all over the globe are checking in as they set off on the adventure of a lifetime.  Or at least, the adventure of the year which doesn't even require leaving your chair.

If you have ever had any desire to write a novel, now's your chance.  Don't miss out!

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