Tuesday 8 December 2009

Murder Mystery!

I went to a murder mystery night on Friday! It was so much fun! And also quite amusing as it was set at the end of WWII, and my parents both had parts as German officers. So they were wearing swastikas and carrying fake wooden guns (which, as my dad had made them himself out of bits of wood were quite obviously fake), and we had to go in that... I went as a land girl. I didn't have a proper role so I decided to go as that, my brother didn't have a proper role either but being a boring sort he didn't bother to dress up. Well, we were a little bit concerned because as I was walking home from college I noticed the police were stopping people to check for drink driving. And there were my parents in German uniforms complete with swastika armbands! We made sure to take the invitation just in case, but it was okay, they'd gone when we went past. But that could've been quite interesting.

It was great fun throughout, although there was rather less improvising and acting involved than I'd imagined there would be. However, the story was quite amusing. Buster made an amazing sausage seller, and my dad was a very convincing German officer (am I allowed to say that???). Frank was also brilliant as Frank Le Orful, particularly as he was doing the whole thing in a broad Lancashire accent (and he was supposed to be a French cafe owner). I was dead chuffed that I managed to guess whodunit before we were told the answer, and I'd even guessed it from a clue right at the very, very start of the mystery. Yay! I had a great night though, really enjoyed myself. If you ever get invited to one, go for it, just completely go for it as much as you can and have a laugh :D.

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