Tuesday 24 June 2008

Amtrak Wars book 1 - Cloud Warrior

So, I decided to read a little sci-fi. And this was well worth reading. I now need to find the other books in the series. I'm very fond of the main characters, especially Steve. Definitely support the Mutes in favour of the Amtrak administration. Requires a little background knowledge of US geography for you to get the most out of the book I think, and maybe a little about the history, but even without, it's very, very good. It looks to be quite old, about thirty years or so ago when it was first published, but I really enjoyed it all the same. It's set far enough in the future that it doesn't really matter. It's basically the story of a world war type thing, between the mutes (mutated humans who live on the surface) and the Amtrak Federation, which is a huge, communist-type dictatorship that lives below ground but wants to move back to the surface.

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