Thursday 12 June 2008

Puppet on a Chain by Alaistair MacLean

So. I'm figuring I'm well into this whole book reviewing lark now, so I may as well continue and talk about all the books I've read recently. And I'm going to try and post some sort of review for every book I read over the summer, just so I have a record of what I actually read and how much I manage to read.
Anyway, it was a real Alaistair MacLean style story. Lots and lots of action, plenty of twists, and I really liked the main character in this one. An interesting person. I would've liked to know a little more about his background in the drug tracking business, and the scars on his face being explained by a simple aircraft crash without any real cause were annoying. It would've been better if they were from some past incident with someone. Because of the kind of life he leads, it seemed odd that they weren't from anything like that.

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