Sunday 30 August 2009

Eagle Day

You'll be pleased to hear that I am now actually on the books I've read over this summer. I'm only, oh, about thirty odd behind. Still, here goes.

Eagle Day is the second book in the Henderson Boys series (the new one by Robert Muchamoore, which kinda shows how Cherub came into being). Once again, the characters are fantastic and completely believable. I love Henderson, he's a great character and this one really gives you an insight into his personality, as well as the children he finds himself inadvertently looking after. Asked by the government to find out about Adler Tag, the planned invasion of England, and help to sabotage it, he brings the children with him. A brilliant book, which I'd really recommend, even if you're not really a teenager (although I would agree with the 'not suitable for younger readers' on the back). Let's face it, I'm seventeen, and as you can see from my blog I'm a pretty enthusiastic reader of adult books, but this is one series I can't see myself ever not following (I've just ordered the newest Cherub book from Amazon :D). So yeh, if you missed The Escape, don't worry this one would still make perfect sense. I'm still not sure whether you read these or the Cherub ones first, but I don't suppose it really matters. Chronologically, this is the first, but they're miles apart in terms of dates and none of the characters are the same.

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