Wednesday 16 January 2008

Hi. Just a kind of rant/update/don't really know

Ranting slightly. Why do I have to account for every second of my life? Why?! I'm annoyed. Other than that, why are there no monkey bars that are my size around here. Shall have to persuade parents to take me to Longridge, Naomi said there were some there. Haven't been on monkey bars for ages cos I'm too big.
Sick of being used as an answer book. Considering refusing to answer any questions pointed my way, or answer them wrong, but that wouldn't be very friendly. Oh well. Only a few more months to go, and then a new start, a new life, and a new bunch of friends. Hmm. Like to keep in touch with the old. Shall have to persuade us to have a collective blog type thing or something similar. Don't know.
Can I use *these* in English exams I wonder? Put them in my RE work today. Hmm. I wonder what Mrs Farrell would say. Probably something along the lines of 'humph, that's not proper English, disappointed in you'. She was disappointed in me for not liking Jane Eyre. Honestly, I've never read such absolute rubbish in my life. It's as bad as Paddy Clark, Ha, Ha, Ha, which is even more random and off on one than this, and this is allowed to be because it's just my randomness.
Rhea's starting a blog too. They've all had a look in IT. Probably one of the boringest subjects on the planet, down there with Physics, PE and French. Grr, why did I pick French? Why do I have to sit on my bill and turn round and work with Muneeb and Chloe when we do pair work? They absolutely do my head in. Chloe can be all right sometimes I guess, but Muneeb is just a prat and he ought to be shot and hung and whatever else. Maybe not very Christian, but how I feel.
There we go, update complete methinks. Can't be bothered rambling any more. And I don't like the other blog on LiveJournal, it's too complex. Think I'll abandon it and just stick to here and stick my dreams on here.

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