Wednesday 9 January 2008

Yo Folks. Writing update.

Hi. Ok, basically my writing update runs as follows:
* Two blogs. This one and, which is a roleplay one where I'm writing as my main character in my main series.
* Happy Endings - A historical romance/action set in the 1920s in America involving prohibition, pilots, evil uncles, gangs and racism.
* Nutmeg Angel - My first story, going through what, fingers crossed, will be the final edit. I just need to add a scene and make another more important and I'm done.
* Fantasy, as yet untitled, provisionally Tokoyo's Story - A retelling of a Japanese legend and kind of some Celtic legends and kind of some other bits of Japanese legends too. It's basically a mix and match of every single legend that has caught my eye so far, but the main plot line follows a Tuatha De Denann (kind of replacing humans) and her search for her father who disappered from the Land of the Exiles. She's not the most adventurous of people, and she meets a whole host of strange creatures who help or hinder her on her journey, and force her not to give in.
* Seeking Truth, though the title may change - Sixth or seventh book in my series about Nutmeg, involving Scotland, metal arms, demons (of course), Sammy playing a big part, a girl called Cara (or something like that) who is sure she has something important to tell the people she was with before she died and was re-enstated in a different part of heaven, but has no idea how to go about doing it, and an orphan girl possibly. Depends whether I have room. The big battle looks like it may have to wait for the next book.
* Stolen Faith, the reason I'm not sure whether Seeking Truth is the sixth or seventh book - I really want to write this one about Sammy after the car crash and her disastrous marriage to Ben followed by a re-marriage to Red.
* One For Sorrow - the first book in a series about a young Birdie and his struggle for acceptance amongst Pures and his fight against Craig and his job as a cop and how that conflicts wiht his faith and his revolutionary sympathies.
* Winged Fire - Book two in my series about Nutmeg, needs editing.
* Broken Sky, Chain Heart, Twisting Fate - Books three, four and five in my series about Nutmeg, need typing up and editing.
* Sky Dancer - my nanowrimo (see 07 novel, needs editing extensively.
* Dancing Flame - sequal to Sky Dancer, needs writing.
* A Crash Course In Landing - need to decide where on earth I'm going with that thing, or even if I'm going to continue it.
* Mateo and Ashnin's Story - needs typing up and completing at some point. It's not a bad story really, just very Brain Jacques'y.
Umm.... Think that's about it. If I come up with any more, I'll tell you.

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