Sunday 3 February 2008

Stupid English Coursework

This is hard. And boring. And pointless. Why do I have to analyse the Merchant of Venice? Why do we have to do a play? Couldn't we do a movie? And my idea was so much better than this, I wanted to look at how it could be adapted into a book form, because it is a pretty good story in all honesty. Unhh. Stupid English Coursework. Should be banned. Actually no, we should just have to do creative writing, and it should go off the quality of what you've written and the quality of your ideas as opposed to the stupid assessment of language. Humph. I hate English Coursework.
Church was good this morning though. Everyone prayed for my mum near enough, and the music was good. I feel kind of happier about it all now. Still a little apprehensive, because we find out tomorrow exactly what's what, but securer, safer.
Just going to post up a bit of a song that spoke ot me this morning:

Hide me now,
Under your wings,
Cover me, within your mighty hands

And when the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the storm,
Father you are king over the flood,
I will be still and know you are God.

I just had this image of a big eagle, massive, huge eagle coming and sitting beside me and wrapping me up safe and warm in its wing, and then when the chorus (And when the oceans rise...) came up, I just imagined soaring on the back of that eagle, burying my hands in its warm feathers, being carried carefully through the storm, completely safe and secure and warm.

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