Sunday 8 February 2009

The Boer War 1899-1902 (Osprey publishing)

I always see these Osprey books, stacks and stacks of them, in the big history museum shops and the good book stores (I don't count WHSmiths because it sells too much other stuff to be called a book store) and it seems that everyone puts a lot of stock on them, says they're the amazing history books. Got one on the Boer War out the library and I can see why. It might have helped to have the context bit at the start, but the whole thing was easy to understand and very informative. I especially liked the fact that there were two chapters on specific people who contributed to the war in some way, one a Boer soldier, one a British civilian. It was good, I'd recommend this to anyone with an interest in the subject. I'm not ready to recommend those books (it's from the Essential Histories series by Osprey) unilaterally until I've read a couple more of them, but this one is certainly good and I have another on the Indian Mutiny to read at some point.

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