Sunday 28 December 2008

Writing update

So, I've been working on editing Nutmeg Angel, so I can get it ready to put on Amazon and all the rest of it. It's turning into a bit of a rewrite session. For example, a part of the story which was about three lines has suddenly turned into nearly three pages (book size, not A4). And I also changed the first fight with the Devil, because it didn't seem anywhere near as exciting as it could be. I guess that's because I've never bothered to really change it before. It's almost identical to how it was originally (I think), although I had added a bit more to the lead up. Anyway. I don't want to write too much about the changes I'm making, because it's coming out soon and you all have to buy it :D.

As for other stories. Well, I've done a fair bit of work on Two For Joy (before version), but I seem to have stalled. Done some more work on my Artemis Fowl fanfic too (If All is Fair, you can read it on if you're interested). Anyway, that's about it.

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