Wednesday 23 April 2008

Minor Rant...

I was going to post this yesterday, but I wound up not doing. I'll say it now though.
I'm a little annoyed at the way Hazel's been treating me, like I'm an answer book. She just takes my answers in Biology, so that she can copy them, and she doesn't even ask. I don't mind explaining them, and when I do just hand over the answers, it's more because I just can't be bothered explaining it because it all seems so simple and I'm tired. We were talking about it in History, and Liv was a little annoyed at me as well as Hazel, because I let her do it. She said I should say no, but the trouble is I don't want to endanger any good friendships just before leaving. I know I'll regret it if I fall out with Hazel, with anyone I'm currently friends with, but still. We've kind of been sharing answers a little in Biology tests too. They're not important or anything, and it started as a kind of one off because Hazel had been busy the night before, and then it got so it happened more frequently, but I've been doing my best not to rely on them to give me the answers. So yesterday I decided right, we've had the whole of the Easter holiday type thing to revise, there's no excuse, so I refused to look up at all. I got nineteen out of twenty-one, which I was quite proud with considering I only lost the marks because it should've been [I]adult[/I] bone marrow, not just bone marrow which I put, and meiosis not as I spelt it mieosis. Well, the i before e rule seemed to apply, but I guess it just doesn't. Neither Hazel nor Natalie did very well, but then Hazel decided to put her mark up a bit, and that did annoy me. I think Natalie only did it because Hazel did. She was like 'It's just one or two marks, just so he says it's ok and not bad', but I would never do that. It's one thing to share answers and another all together to change the mark you got. Yes, it's sometimes meant that I've been laughed at when I've not done so well, because I'm [I]supposed[/I] to do well, model student and all that, but everyone has an off day, but I do always own up to the fact that I've done badly, and I'm careful that I don't rely too much on them. Anyway, that's what annoyed me. So I'll stop now before this turns into a major rant rather than a minor one like the title says. Just one more thing. I didn't decide not to 'share answers' for purely selfish reasons, I have a feeling that our teacher knew there was something going on, but perhaps didn't want to say anything, so I wasn't going to destroy a fairly decent pupil-teacher relationship in what's probably going to be our last specification test. I mean, he's been pretty decent about answering all my random questions, he could've refused and said that they weren't important, but he always listened.

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