Wednesday 2 April 2008


Yeh, this story I'm working on at the moment with loads of little plot threads. It's, well, it's interesting. Characters keep telling me all sorts of random stuff that I never expected but which is kind of important. John has a rocket launcher in his room. Marinel isn't as bad personality wise as I thought he was. Sakura is a Japanese terrorist. Zait gets killed. Tommy and Ben are basically best mates. Jake is a reformed computer hacker. Matthew Nicholback has a metal hand and was really badly burned, though not on his face. Sam used to be a thief. Tiger was in Special Forces and part of Yarev's team, as was John. All stuff that would've been nice to know at the start, because it has now become the first story I've ever been seriously working on that isn't being written chronologically. I keep going back and adding stuff. Like I have a murder done by Sakura to add before Sakura gets murdered, and like I want a lot more from various plot threads. Still, it's all good fun.

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